Monday, January 14, 2008 .

  You are what you eat! 1/14/2008 11:47:00 AM
Since we are in the topic of Diet and Skin, I wanted to elaborate on that a little more. I know most of us girls take care of our skin very well. It's not that hard, right?? You wash your face, tone your skin, and lastly, moisturize! But why the hell do I still break out?? I'm starting to realize more and more that the problem lies within. Eating healthy and having a fitness routine and blahblahblah is the obvious. Yes, I know I should eat apples instead of Doritos but Sally here is eating a bag of Cheetos everyday and has perfect skin.

This might be an explanation to why this happens and no, it's not because we live in an unfair world. EveVillian posted below that she turns red when she drinks alcohol and that might contribute to her "new friend." People with bad liver do not take alcohol well. They turn red, temperature rises, eyes swell, etc. I can speak for myself, because I am one of those unfortunate people that have a beer and people ask if I am wasted. LOL.

Anyways, back to the liver. The liver detoxifies the blood that comes from other parts of your body. Once it detoxifies, it sends the nutritional blood throughout your body. Well, the problem is that we eat and breathe so many toxins. Our poor liver is loaded with toxins and guess what happens?? It needs to release them! Do you realize how much toxins there are in processed foods? Once we stop eating all those junk foods, canned foods, and frozen foods, not only will we be helping our skin but also our lungs, colon and other less important parts of our body (Just kidding!)

Also, I always hear that hormones are a cause of acne... Well, how do I control my hormones?? That's the liver's job too! The liver regulates our hormones. People! We need to take care of our livers whether it be for our skin or for overall health reasons. I saw some supplements that we can take to help out our liver. I'm going to try this out and probably update on this post in a further time. Take daily supplements like Herbal Provider or any other liver supplements (tons to choose from online). Also, a 7 day liver cleanse from (also tons to choose from).

For now, I'm putting those harsh products away and focusing on the inside.. Where it really matters.

Sources: Ezine articles. How does Acne Attack Your Liver? Wycliffe Williams.

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♥saysay on 1/14/2008 11:47:00 AM



OW, my pickled liver! This brings alot to mind. First, there are many toxins that wear down your liver. There are the obvious ones like alcohol, but there's also fat and all that crap in over-processed food. Have you seen Supersize Me? The documentary where the main guy eats only Mcdonalds for a month? (Watch it! You'll stop eating fast food for a year.) Mr. Main Character almost got liver poisoning from all the fat he was consuming. It's not common, but it's possible!
Also, as you mentioned, Say -those toxins DO need to come out. If you've ever seen the movie Gia with Angelina Jolie, you might remember that towards the end, when she's finally trying to get clean from all the heroin she was doing, she started breaking out. She even says, herself, that it was her body trying to clean itself out.
It's almost like using a facial mask. They tell you to do it a week before and not the day before or day of a big event.
One more thing on this long-winded comment. If you smoke, try stopping for a couple days. Your lungs will try to clean itself out. (By the way, if you stop now while you're still young, your lungs can and will go to work to repair the damage done to your airways. As you continue to smoke, all that cilia that work as your personal air filter are frozen and useless, enabling all the crud to constantly build up in your lungs.) In other words, you'll be coughing more. That's another example of toxins coming out during the cleansing process.

By Blogger Eve Villain, at Mon Jan 14, 02:17:00 PM PST  

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